2024 Fair Tickets & Pricing
Membership Ticket: $30
(Qualifies for pass lot parking)
(*Good for re-admission daily) Includes: Daily Admission to the fair, Exhibitor Privileges, and voting privileges for the annual election of directors to be held on Thursday, July 25, 2024 on the Fairgrounds. Tickets can be purchased only by Clark County residents of voting age.
Privilege Ticket: $30
(Qualifies for pass lot parking)
(*Good for re-admission daily) Includes: Daily Admission to the fair, Exhibitor Privileges. For those under 18 years of age, or non-county resident or individual that does not want voting privileges.
JUNIOR FAIR, 4-H, FFA, SCOUTS, ETC. (Wristbands): $10
(*Good for re-admission daily) Includes: Daily admission to the fair. Must have authorization of advisor or leader. Does NOT include any rides.One Day Pass: $10
One day pass valid for one admission to any one day of the fair through any pass gate.
Junior Fair, 4-H, FFA, Scouts, etc.: $10
Ride Pass – a discounted one (1) day pass for rides. (which may be redeemed for a ride band or 30 individual ride tickets for 1 day only) Must have authorization of advisor or leader.General Admission: $8
Children 5 years & under are free. Beginning Friday, July 19, 2024 at noon. PARKING IS FREE!
Ride Tickets
One (1) Ticket (Kiddie Rides require 2 tickets) $1.50
Thirty (30) Tickets (Adult Rides require 3-4 tickets) $35.00
All Day Ride Wrist Band $18.00
Kid’s Day Ride Wrist Band $14.00

KT Scooter Rental
Call Teresa to reserve - 567-674-3864
$10/hr, $30/ 4 hours, or $60/ day
Clark County Agriculture Society
Monthly Board Meeting
7pm every 4th Wednesday
Public Records:
Records are retained at the Fair office for up to 7 years.
Records are available for Inspection during posted office hours. Copies may be purchased for $2.00 per page.
The annual financial report of the Clark County Agricultural Society for 2024 has been filed in accordance with division(B) of this ORC 1711.05. Any person who wishes to receive a copy of the report may contact the Treasurer, Jamie Gothard at jamiegothard@gmail.com.