Clark County Agricultural Society
The Clark County Agricultural Society is a nonprofit quasi-state agency which is governed, but not funded by, the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Clark County Agricultural Society’s mission is to operate the Fair and manage the grounds to provide the youth of Clark County with the opportunity to grow in knowledge and develop character through participation in the Fair.
The 15-member Board of Directors, commonly referred to as the Fair Board, are elected from the general membership of the Society. Any voting age resident of Clark County may be a member by paying the membership fee of $30.00.
Constitution of the Clark County Agricultural Society2024 Committees
4-H has a major role in the youth activities of the Fair but is not the only organization involved. Other youth groups include FFA, Future Homemakers, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls and Farm Bureau Youth. The Board sponsors activities that include the Clark County Fair Queen Contest, Junior Fair Board, Calf and Pig Scrambles and the Ag-Met Program, which is a joint effort with 4-H to bring city youth to the Fair to help broaden their knowledge of the agricultural community.
Other clubs and groups that provide help and support include various professional associations, service clubs and special interest groups. The operating budget of the Society comes from Fair revenues, non-fair rentals of the buildings and grounds, and the generous gifts, grants and corporate sponsorship’s from individuals and businesses in the community.
All of the organizations play a vital role in the Fair and without the time and efforts of these group’s volunteers and the Board, the Fair would not be the major event that it is. Clark County has one of the best county fairs in the State because of their efforts.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Bill Agle
Melissa Anderson
Emily Bumgardner
Todd Bumgardner
Andy Eberhard
Jay Flax – President
Brian Harbage – Vice President
Fred Hays – Secretary
Jamie Gothard – Treasurer
Levi Kimley
Justin Mattern
Brooke Reno
Brian Waddle – Director at Large
Tom Waddle
Wm. Stuart Waddle
Dean Blair – Executive Director
Allan Hess – Assistant Executive Director
Laura Sharp– Assist. to the Executive Director
Tyler Moss – Maint. Project Supervisor
Bailey Scanlon- Equipment Manager
David Ray – Head Custodian