Walneck’s Motorcycle Swap Meet
Walneck’s Motorcycle Swap Meet at the Clark County Fairgrounds. Lots of vendors with parts and accessories.
January 9th – Springfield, Ohio. Motorcycle Swap Meet. Clark County Fairgrounds, 4401 S. Charleston Pike, I-70 at exit # 59, Springfield, Ohio 45502. Indoors 3-heated buildings & Outdoors, rain or shine. All brands of motorcycles and parts SWAP MEET ONLY. 8 AM – 2PM, vendor spaces TAKE ALL THE ROOM YOU NEED just $ 50.00, Indoors 10’ x 10’ for $ 50.00 vendor set up 6AM – 8AM. Admission $10.00 under 14-free, free parking. 630 / 985 – 2097 FREE CORRAL to sell your bike.
Click here for more information: Swap Meet Calendar (walneckswap.com)